Can you think of one single activity that you can do with your toddler, preschooler, or school-age child that includes experiences in math, science, and reading, and builds confidence all at the same time? You don’t need to be an expert in child care education to implement this amazing learning experience—all you need is a […]
We all know that kids can be picky eaters. Sure, we want and hope for little foodies, willing to eat anything and everything put in front of them, but it’s usually not that simple. However, we don’t think it’s impossible. With a little time and effort—and a whole lot of parental patience—you can encourage healthy […]
Most of us know the research about how important it is to read with children every day. And most of us have every intention of doing that. However, day to day life, with all of its tasks and distractions can get in the way of realizing our best intentions. Therefore, purposefully scheduling time to read […]
Sometimes children ask us questions that make us uncomfortable and we are not sure how to answer. The topics of the children’s questions that we dread most are often the same ones many of us were taught to avoid talking about: sexuality, drugs, religion, politics, war and human suffering. There was a time when there […]
How many times have you told your children it’s too cold to go outside, or too wet, or too hot? We have probably all said it once or twice. Or, “You’re going to catch a cold if you don’t put on your coat and hat.” That’s why some parents have tucked away in a closet […]
It’s always important to help your child through significant life transitions and the end of a school year is a perfect example. Maybe your child is moving to a different classroom or attending camp with another teacher or counselor – why not help them mark the milestone. Here are a few ideas: Let your child […]
Your friend has a young daughter who makes her own snack and packs most of her lunch. Your sister’s 2-year-old son cleans up his dishes after dinner. How did these parents get so lucky? It isn’t luck—they’ve raised their children to make responsible choices. Teaching children how to take responsibility is not easy and takes […]
A universal topic for all parents is sharing. Have you ever experienced these toddler’s “Rules for Living?” If I want it … it’s mine. If I had it … it’s mine. If I thought about touching it … it’s mine. If I might want it any time in the future … it’s mine. You get […]
During our annual Season of Kindness—and all year long—we work hard to create a strong sense of community at our school. We want children to learn about being good citizens and to get along well with others. Of course, this kind of learning can also continue at home. Throughout the year, you can have conversations […]
Toys can be valuable tools that teach children about themselves and the world. While most playrooms are filled to the ceiling with toys, many education experts actually believe that having a smaller amount of toys is more beneficial to children. With the holidays quickly approaching, parents are thinking about gifts. As a parent, you want […]
To celebrate the fourth anniversary of our Grow FitTM healthy living initiative, we have some ideas for keeping your family healthy throughout the season. As the weather turns cooler and we spend less time outdoors, it doesn’t mean we have to give up healthy life choices. Here’s a few ways to celebrate fitness this October—and […]
An important activity that you can do as a parent is to encourage and participate in your child’s pretend play. Every area of development can be enriched with pretend play. Here are some fun ways that this kind of play engages children in essential life and personal skills, as well as increases their knowledge of […]