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Health and Safety

Your child’s wellness is our top priority.

At The Children’s Courtyard, we pride ourselves on providing children with a school environment that is welcoming, nurturing, and safe. From equipment checks and head counts to cameras and alarms, we work hard to protect every child, every day. And we’re prepared, right from the start. Access to schools is restricted to authorized individuals only, with ID checks and secured entry doors.

Keeping a Watchful Eye

The entire school is comprehensively monitored with cameras and door alarms. In the lobby, a multi-room display provides a live, real-time look into classrooms, playgrounds, and other school areas, on a closed-circuit feed. We’re committed to transparency and pride ourselves on our open-door policy. These monitoring solutions enhance that commitment to our families.

Keeping Little Ones Safe

Infants, toddlers, and 2-year-olds are assigned a primary caregiver, for consistent attention and a strengthened teacher-child bond. Staff and parents develop a carefully defined care plan together, which is updated and reviewed twice a year. Diaper changes for infants are done at regular intervals.

Safe While Sleeping

Lights are always kept on, including at naptime. Visual contact and active listening is practiced by all teachers. Age-appropriate bedding is used in cots and cribs. Up to age 2, all babies are set on their backs for sleeping, while we conduct regular checks on children during naps.

Prepared to Protect

Teachers receive regular training in safety procedures, while we follow strict guidelines for ratios to provide direct supervision of children at all times. Additional training is provided for various emergency scenarios, such as earthquakes and fire. Every classroom is furnished with supplies for emergency and evacuation situations, while our school has a specially designed defibrillator for infants and children. There is a Safety Captain for each school, while state standards are followed for CPR and first aid training.

Clean and Healthy

Good hand washing practices prevent the spread germs. We monitor children for signs of illness and notify parents immediately if their child is not well, to stop the spread of illness. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of classrooms is done with child-safe products.

Healthy Diets, Growing Children

Aside from infant cereal or jarred food, offerings from our Grow Fit menu are prepared in our kitchen and always cut to an appropriate size, per age group needs. At meals and snack times, children are supervised by a staff member, while our menu is planned by a registered dietitian. This ensures a well-balanced diet, with safe and healthy food choices.

Playgrounds and Toys

We regularly disinfect toys and check them for loose or broken pieces. For children under 3, we check for choking hazards. Secure fencing surrounds playground areas, while safely designed fall zones prevent injuries.

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